Thursday, October 23, 2014

Housekeeping: How I Review Movies

I am going to let you know how my grading works before I write my first review.  I am going to do it GPA style, but with a logical set up for how the grading works.

Grade A: See this movie ASAP. If it is in theaters, it is worth the $15 price of admissions.

Grade B: Very good movie. Stream it on Amazon Instant, iTunes, or rent it on DVD if you can still find a video store.

Grade C: It is what it is. If you happen to see this movie on television or Netflix, it might be worth your time if you want to watch a movie.

Grade D: If you are forced and have to no other choice but to watch a movie, watch this movie. Think if you are on an airplane.

Grade F: Why? Why is this movie made?

There are also +/- aspects to the grade, except to the A grade. It is impossible for an A+. An A+ would mean that there is something even more urgent than seeing a movie now, and until I figure out what that is, A+ is just a mythical grade.

I am working on two assumptions:

1) The average movie in a movie theater is a C. On the one hand, most movies are not worth seeing in theaters. Day 1: A movie is released. Tickets are $15. Day 120: A movie is on some sort of instant stream service. Cost is $4. Day 360: A movie is on television or Netflix. See what patience can get you. On the other hand, a lot of money is invested in a movie if it goes to theaters, so it won’t be horrible.

2) The average movie I see will be a B grade. I am a biased. I will only watch a movie if I think it is going to be good. So I expected a skewed distribution.


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